Friday, April 7

ninety nine and forty four one hundredths what?

This blog started as a joke. Well a joke about a joke about another joke on a small mailing list of five. The list started as a joke in the boom days, the mailing list of a fake consulting firm, a firm with no clients. The blog/joke started with the Homeland security guy who got busted for dirty talking the teen. I joked: what are the first things you talk about with a teen girl online? Ask her what kind of milage she gets, ask her if you should get the Hemi? Bring up sweet sixteen and make a joke about George Mason. This joke is based on sexual stereotypes some even less valid than others. The George Mason joke is funnier if you know me because I don't follow sports, here I could say made funnier by the fact that I'm a middle aged gay man, but there's about as many guys that applies to as not, and the only person who I know who has a Hemi is a very sweet and petite young lady. I joked that I don't want to chat with cops posing as girls, I'd rather chat with girls posing as cops. On second thought that sounds horrible, the end result would be well into the realm of drag. A bitchy teen girl personality in the body of a 70s TV cop might not be too far from some guy in a leather CHP uniform after midnight at the Eagle. Snap snap snap.

This blog started as a joke but over my burrito I thought a lot about what I would write if I posted again, what I would feel comfortable screaming to the world, what I would feel less comfortable saying knowing a few friends were reading. How do I present myself to good friends, acquaintances. strangers. An intimate stranger is with who I think I'd be most frank. How would what I say change to a close gay friend, how would it spin differently with a straight woman friend, a good man friend. I thought about my identity and the character I whipped up, not as simple as a subset, the circles in the Venn diagram overlap. How much of littlegirlcop will be me? What role does fiction play here, what part is your everyday run of the mill spin. Am I not saying enough if the thought of someone reading this doesn't sting a little or is that just after school special writing seminar crap. Should I have just told you I really enjoy the new Belle & Sebastian CD.


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