Wednesday, July 5

Gabe was a stoner, Don was a square

Littlegirlcop uploaded the shirtless photo to his profile on and couldn't help but think of his friend Gabe. Gabe took the photo of Murphy shirtless, in shorts, in the club locker room a couple years ago. Murphy was a bit uncomfortable getting his photo taken anyway, this discomfort was made worse by the fact it was taken in a lockeroom, a place usually off limits to photography, and that it was taken by a guy he didn't know very well. While the resulting photo wasn't particilary flattering, the combination of the down at the heals location, the black and white film, the general unruleyness of Murphys hair made Murphy look a bit rougher, and maybe a bit more interesting than he usually felt. And with time he realized it made the perfect photo for a chat profile page and other internet dating opportunities. With the many ways you can meet men online Murphy had more need for this photo than he had ever realized.

Littlegirlcop and Gabe had a lot in common. They both loved books and movies. Both men seemed to have a knack for achieving below potential, both were willful and mischievous, and both had full beards that were often in need of a trim. These beards were similar enough that on occasion they had been asked if they were father and son. The truth was Murphy was nothing like Gabe's son and Gabe was nothing like Murphy's father. While close enough in age, Gabe Rosen was antimatter to Don Murphy's matter. Gabe was a communist, Don a Republican; Gabe was a stoner, Don was a square. Gabe played hookey, baited christians and loved labor politics. Don Murphy worked hard, went to church and didn't have much use for unions. What the men shared was an underlying sense of decency. Both had wives named Liz, and both would be highly offended if ever called liberal. Besides these three facts it'd be harder for two men to be more different.

Littlegirlcop had been thinking a lot about Gabe lately and It wasn't just because of the abundant uses Murphy had been finding for his shirtless internet photo. It was becuase Gabe had told him he had stage four lung cancer. Until then Murphy had thought cancers only came in stages one, two or three. The cancer had moved beyond the lungs and to the brain. All the chemo and radiation, Gabe told him, would buy him more time, but not remission, Murphy questioned his lack of a strong reaction to the news. He felt like he'd have been a better friend if he had teared up some, but Murphy's emotions had been quite flat, and this troubled him. Littlegirlcop knew strong feeling would come in time, when Gabe was closer to being gone, or when he passed. Murphy knew he would always think about Gabe on Bloomsday or when he walked by the Bloody Thursday memorial in front of the longshoreman's union hall or whenever he got lucky with that shirtless internet photo. Murphy would think of Gabe a lot.


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