Wednesday, April 12

some company

It had been a long day for Littlegirlcop. Up at five thirty for a work out. The gym he went to wasn't fancy, more clubby really, The kind of place where the same old men have been lifting weights, playing handball and sweating for twenty years, and their fathers for twenty years before them. Littlegirlcop enjoyed the camaraderie and the stories of the old men. Jimmy Nekovar's were his favorite.Tales of pimp bartenders, married women's blowjobs, and VD that turned out to be poison oak. Well he was in the woods and the former was more likely than the later. Two mornings ago it was a lecture in the shower on the screwball comedies of Preston Sturges. This morning he found "the Lady Eve" in the form of a DVD, tucked up in his locker next to his dirty gym shorts. A little homework for later. The Lecturer, another favorite old guy, equal parts stoner, narcoleptic, bureaucrat and media junky had left it there. Until Murphy gave him his locker combination, the Lecturer would take the time to crack the combination and say he found the locker open. His locker left open was unlikely and the time spent working through the four ten digit wheels not a good use of the retired man's time.

Work was work; lunch with Marty then more work. A beer around the corner with the guys, then dinner with his Ex. Every couple of weeks she took him someplace nice, someplace upscale but comfortable she still took good care of him. They were closer since they started talking about the men they were dating, the word dating was more applicable to her relationships though than to his. They both had steaks. He loved to watch here eat, she had a big appetite, he like that in people, she ate like a man, lots of meat, and always ready for dessert. Heading home he missed her. He knew a stop off at the bars wasn't really going to change much. Some more beer and some flirting, what would it get him. Nothing but a few laughs, a few hugs and sometimes a bit of company.


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