Wednesday, April 26

standing next to the peanut barrel

"Oh my god, I'm Gay Gayson, Mayor of Gayville," thought Murphy. That thought itself was awfully gay, but less so than the one that came a moment before. "What would Mary Richards do?" that was even gayer, but it gave Littlegirlcop the answer he needed.

Murphy reached up, for Dan McGee was quite tall and mussed his reddish blonde crewcut then gave him a peck on the lips. Because of it's shortness Dan's hair didn't move much, but it made the big man smile like a ten year old. The gesture set the tone, said what Mary might've said. I'm fond of you in a warm friendly sort of way.

Like the night before Littlegircop found himself out at the bars. He was standing next to the peanut barrel drinking a beer, absentmindedly shelling and eating nuts when Dan McGee walked up. Like most of the men in the bear bar Dan was dressed a bit rough, maybe as he thought a truck driver or a longshoreman might, but like most he was a professional, a nine to fiver. He and Murphy had dated, or done something that approximated dating. Murphy was never sure, he thought it was dating, then thought it was two nice guys getting together for dinner and a bit of sex, then maybe dating but he was always unsure. Also ultimately he was uninterested. The problem for Murphy was that when he wasn't around Dan, he didn't think of him, didn't wonder where he was or what he was doing. Out of site out of mind. While Dan McGee looked great on paper: smart, nice, single and burly, there was something missing. Like the night before he wondered what it was that he really wanted. He did know he'd rather meet a nice guy out in the world or at the station house but when he ran the number, he knew he'd have a better shot here.

"How's it going Daniel," started Murphy, "How are the kids at the office treating you?"


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