Saturday, April 15

he wore them all well

The roofer with the abs, had abs, Murphy and Denny O'Malley did not. While Murphy enjoyed these diversion, he wasn't the kind of guy to go find someone to drag back to gawk. O'Malley's ab-emergencies averaged one every two weeks. Last time it was the manager at the coffeshop and his tight flat front chinos. " Franks and beans" he kept saying. Littlegirlcop enjoyed O'Malley's company at work, but the time or two he tried to go out with O'Malley it just wasn't quite fun. O'Malley walks into a bar and makes friends easily and was instantly at home, he knew the gay uniforms and wore them all well. From a bit of leather on Folsom weekend to the perfect jeans for dancing. While on paper this all sounds good, These outings just made Murphy feel like a square peg, not hairy enough for the bears, not skinny enough for the twinks, and he found the fake cop uniforms and chaps a bit silly. On the way back at his desk Marty gave him a questioning look.

"A roofer," Murphy said.

Marty smiled, nodded. "Lynette wanted me to remind you about easter dinner, 4:30, OK?"

"Is she making her mom's cabbage?"

"Oh yeah. wouldn't be a holiday without it"

You could count on two things when it came to Marty and Lynette's holday dinners. His mom's Lasagna and her mom's cabbage. That and three kids climbing all over you. They were good kids.


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