Friday, April 14

hands like that

The guy at the nail salon had strong dinner plate sized hands and scuffed scabbed knuckles. The kind of hands you got hitting the heavy bag or doing work not involving a phone and a mouse. He was running counterfeit bags out of the backroom of his shop and he was keeping an updated online inventory lists for his customers convenience. As they say around the station house, "Crime doesn't pay if you're stupid." Littlegirlcop was just finishing up the paperwork thinking about those hand. He Wouldn't pass the test anyway. It's surprising how many guy you could weed out with three questions. Out? Available? Sane? Well smart and no record were both necesary too. If he made hands like that a requirement it might be many more dry months.

"McCafferty needs that file in an hour," Marty said.

"And he'll have it," said Murphy.

Then, with the plea of something very important, Denny O'Malley dragged him off to a third floor window to show him the abs on the guy fixing the roof of the annex.


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