Tuesday, October 17

with several of old pals

Littlegirlcop started his Monday morning the way he always did. A cup of coffee and a web browser open to to the Weddings and Celebrations section of the New York Times. Other mornings the first thing he'd look at was his favorite amateur porn site, but on Mondays it started with porn of a different kind. He would scan down the list of names, the woman's name was first followed the man's. Same sex couples didn't fit that format so Murphy'd scan down the column of woman's names looking for the occasional Robert or Micheal that indicated a gay couple. After that he'd look in the column of men's name for the dyke couples. There were always more Lesbians getting hitched for some reason. Murphy always read about the gay men first though. And if it were a particularly sweet story he might bookmark it and come back to it later in the week.

His current favorite was the story of two men who met in college. The men stayed close friends throughout their twenties and both dated women. Eventually in their early thirties, one man came out to his friend by telling him that he didn't "play on his team." A few months later the other man did the same. Soon they were a couple, staying up to watch Princess Dianna's funeral and years later it was all documented in the Times. Like many of the single gay men who read that announcement, Murphy was daydreaming about living happily ever after with several of old pals.

The daydream would usually begin with the two men in tuxedos, on a dance floor set up on a terrace on a warm summer evening. At this point Murphy would feel a twinge of embarassment, what a horrible cliche. He was having the wedding fantasies of a sixteen year old girl. He could take some comfort in the fact that he hadn't decided on the bridesmaid lineup. Well some comfort but not much – the band was always playing the same song: The way you look tonight.

It was at this point Littlegirlcop made sure there was no one around who could see what he was reading. He'd definitely rather be caught checking out the amateur porn, though that too would result in lots of teasing around the station house. The other guys would at least understand the porn, thought Murphy. Everyone knows men are dogs and most suspect gay men are the worst of the pack, But the wedding page, that he'd never live down.


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